Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy October!

When I was outside with Abby today I had a moment where I stopped to feel the cool breeze. Then I looked around to see the trees in the awkward stage between green and a vibrant fall hue and I found a little peace.

Lately our family theme has been: "Whatever can go wrong, will. So expect it." We are still in the tedious process of buying a house that has been going on for about 5 months. We have been living with family for the last 4 months about 100 miles away from anything. This has taken an emotional and and financial toll on our family and I have struggled.

Today, as Abby and I were running around, I had a moment of serenity. Sometimes it takes the beauty of nature to speak and let me know how blessed I am. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter and then the feelings come that things will work out. Sometimes, we need to just take time to stop, look around and realize how much the Lord loves us.


Lindsay said...

I've been thinking about you lately. Abby is getting so big! What a cutie. I hope that the house goes through soon. Call me sometime. We love you!:)

Ann said...

We really enjoyed our visit with you and the Bagley's this summer while we were down in Moroni. This is an important lesson we all need to be reminded of. It is a lesson we have learned (again) recently. Remember that when we take on our trials with gladness and faith, we will be blessed. Take care and best wishes.
~Ann (Barrow) Bradley