Monday, January 25, 2010

We are Wii'ing

That's right. Wii'ing. I would like to thank Becky and Matt for that one. We have gone from no TV to having a full gaming console and an HDTV. Huge adjustment for me, but so far we just use it for Wii'ing and I am okay with that. ( In case you don't know, I am very anti-TV and video games)

Impulsive? Yes.
Unnecessary? Yep.
Fun? Very.

Kevin says this will be his form of exercise. I have in fact seen him work up a sweat, so he may be telling the truth.

Me on the other hand, well I will stick to running.


Dani said...

Wow! That's quite the set-up.

You could combine your running and Wii'ing plans into one: I have Wii Fit, and there's a running game. You put the controller in your pocket and run in place. You totally want that.